News & Events

Face Masks for Years 7-13

Face Masks in Communal Spaces

Dear Parents, Carers and Families,

On 29th November the government announced updated guidance to schools, which includes a recommendation that pupils in year 7 and above, and for us that is years 7-13, wear a mask in communal spaces, in corridors, in our main hall and dining hall.

On Wednesday 1st December all pupils in years 7-13 will be issued a mask in form time. We are doing this to encourage everyone to wear a mask in communal spaces. From 2nd December we are asking all families to provide a mask to their child.

We only have an emergency supply of masks on site.

Mask wearing is all about protecting others and can help reduce the spread of disease. I am also asking all staff to wear a mask in communal spaces.

We have had an increase in illness over the last few days. As you know we had to switch to online learning for year 9 today and tomorrow due to an increase in staff absence. Supply teachers are in very short supply in the city, most probably due to the higher levels of staff absence across the city.

You are also aware of the new variant of coronavirus that has been identified. I am hoping that things will improve and that staff absence will not further impact our face-to-face provision.

Thank you for supporting mask wearing.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs A Lloyd

Co-Principal - Secondary and Sixth Form Phases