Staggered return for students.

Please see a message from Mr Hyde, Executive Principal.
Update: Further to the announcement below, Waverley School will also be welcoming vulnerable learners and children of critical workers back to school on January 5th 2021, regardless of their year group. Please see below for further information.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Yesterday, the government announced the staggered return of students for secondary schools. This means that students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 will be taught remotely from 5th January 2021. Students in Year 11 and Year 13 will attend school as normal from the 5th January 2021.
The school will also be open to all vulnerable children and children of critical workers from 5th January 2021. Further information as to whether this affects you can be found via the Department for Education website. Please click here for further information.
Remote learning
Remote learning will be delivered through Microsoft Teams. Students will receive assignments from their teachers and then they will have two working days to complete their work. We use this approach as we are aware that often members of one household rely on shared devices, and this can make ‘live’ teaching difficult for all to access. However, where possible we strongly encourage your child to follow their school timetable as closely as they can. Your child will be able to contact their teachers to ask questions, submit work, and manage any misconceptions in their learning.
Your child will need to register each day by signing into the Student Portal and submitting a registration mark. This is clearly signposted. Should your child not remember their username or password, they can request a new one via our website. Please see our Covid-19 section for more information.
For information on how to access our remote learning, please click here to visit our website.
Year 12 external exam
A small number of students in Year 12 do have an external exam on Friday 8th January. This will go ahead and students taking this exam should attend on this date.
Covid-19 mass testing
The announcement made yesterday also referred to mass Covid-19 testing in schools. At this moment in time, I cannot share anything further on how this will be implemented. However, as soon as we do receive advice, I will write to you again.
We will welcome all students back following the usual staggered start times on 11th January.
If you have children in our primary phase, they will return as normal on 5th January.
Wishing to all of those celebrating, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mr Hyde
Executive Principal