News & Events

Closure to Primary School


This information is for Parents and Carers of students in the Primary phase. For information concerning Secondary and Sixth Form students, please click the link below. 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Closure of Primary Phase

Following advice from teaching unions and having conducted a review of our risk assessment, we have reluctantly made the decision that school will remain closed to pupils in our primary phase. As such, our primary phase will not fully re-open on 5th January as originally planned.

We apologise for the late notice of this announcement.

We will continue to monitor the situation and we will inform you of our planned re-opening as soon as we are able to do so.

Vulnerable children and children of critical workers

We will be open to our vulnerable children and the children of critical workers. Given the short notice of this announcement, should you believe that you are a critical worker, your child should attend school at their usual time. They must enter through our Main Reception where they will be guided to their classroom. We will be operating year group bubbles to minimise mixing.

We ask that you that you provide evidence confirming your role as a critical worker in an email sent to . This can be in the form of a lanyard, a letter from your employer, or similar documentation.

Remote Learning

Remote learning will commence for all primary year groups from 5th January 2021. We have been in contact in the past to share details of how remote learning will take place for your child. A copy of these letters will be available later today to download from our website. Please note that there are different arrangements for pupils in different year groups.

Free School Meals

As yet, we have not received information from either Government or Birmingham City Council regarding free school meals vouchers. Whilst I am sure they will be offered, I will delay confirmation of this until such point that I can give you the correct information.

In the meantime, should you be entitled to a free school meal and require a packed lunch, we will make provision. Please email before 11am each day that this is required.

Yours sincerely, 

Mr P. Hyde
Executive Principal


Please note: instructions for accessing remote learning will be uploaded to this page shortly. Please check back later.