Primary End of Spring Term Letter 2021

Primary End of Term Letter.
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we reach the end of this term, it is strange to think that a year ago the first national lockdown took place. A year on we find that the third lockdown is nearing the end. Once again, I would like to extend my pride and admiration in how our school community is working together, in the face of immense change and challenges. Our pupils have transitioned well from remote learning to being back in school, embracing the learning opportunities and experiences which have been captured in our Primary newsletters this week.
Assessments and Curriculum Targets
Last week, primary pupils were assessed in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths. This information will be used to establish further support and interventions in summer 1. The process of setting curriculum targets has been further refined to ensure that each half term all pupils (and parents) are clear of next steps of learning for Reading, Writing and Maths. You will find more information related to curriculum targets by clicking on the following link, which will take you to a video explaining rationale, expectations and how you can support your child at home.
Accelerated Reader and Other Learning Platforms
In order to raise the profile of reading and literature across the school we have adopted the Accelerated Reader programme. This should support our pupils in their journey in becoming confident readers who love books. Accelerated Reader is a programme used to motivate pupils to read more, increasing their confidence, vocabulary comprehension and guide them to independent reading. It is a popular reading programme used in thousands of schools. There is a proven link between strong reading skills and academic success – great readers make great learners! This compliments our goal, for each child to read independently for at least 20 minutes per day at school and at home.
With the Accelerated Reader Online programme, pupils will not only be able to take a quiz on the books available through our school library and in our classrooms, but also books at home, in any library and in any book store. You can check whether a book is on the AR program by visiting or by downloading the Accelerated Reader Bookfinder app.
To support other areas of the curriculum and learning at home we continue to encourage pupils to log onto My Maths and Times Table Rockstars. The latter platform will support pupils with the ability to rehearse and recall timetable facts, something that they will be assessed on in Year 4 Information for parents: 2021 multiplication tables check (
Before and After School Provision
As previously communicated our Breakfast Club will resume on Monday 19th April. Places will be confirmed by today and therefore payments will need to be secured before the end of this term. Unfortunately, after school provision and clubs have had to be on hold due to the pandemic and restrictions we are facing. However, we will gradually aim to build back some of our after school clubs, starting with Booster groups in Years 1-6.
School Dining and Menus
We are looking at further developing the dining experiences for our pupils and as a result of this have recently revised school lunch menus (sent via parent mail). The aim is to ensure our pupils receive nutritional and varied meals throughout the week. These menus will come into effect in the summer term and we will aim to seek pupil feedback towards the end of summer 1. Look out for details of our Top Table initiative in the summer term!!
It is important to note that if you have children in Year 3 or above (and not in receipt of free school meals) you will need to make a payment of £10.25 per week via Parent Pay. For any queries or support please contact Ms. Pousson or Ms. Ibrahim (primary administrative staff).
Enrichment, Enjoyment and Easter
Staff have worked incredibly hard to ensure that we continue to offer wider curriculum experiences despite some of the restrictions that we face. This term, we have been fortunate to have sports coaches in school, from Birmingham City Football Club. For Science week our pupils were involved in live sessions exploring the role of a vet and life on a farm, life cycles and a lambing session. Year 6 pupils performed persuasive speeches to a member of parliament, Rt Hon Liam Byrne on a number of key issues highlighted locally and nationally. Pupils presented and discussed the following topics; homelessness, climate change, tackling racism, hate crime and how to avoid another pandemic. At the end of the session, Mr Byrne told our Year 6 pupils, “Your speeches are so inspiring!” Our pupils did us proud! We continually strive to celebrate the rich cultural diversity that we have in our community and wider, some of the celebrations have included Buddha Day and Easter. To enhance understanding and awareness of Easter, Birmingham City Mission have delivered assemblies exploring the meaning of Easter and what it means to people. Look out for celebrations on Baisakhi, Holi, Ramadan and Shavuot.
Many members of our community will shortly be following the religious observance of Ramadan. It is predicted to start around the latter part of the Easter break. Whilst younger pupils do not usually fast, if your child is in Years 5 and 6 and you want him/her to fast please confirm this in writing to your child’s teacher or by completing the section at the end of the letter sent via parent mail. We are happy to provide supervision for pupils who are fasting and keep them inside to rest for most of the lunch break, but only if we have confirmation that this is your wish. During Ramadan it is important that all pupils maintain high levels of attendance and punctuality.
Reception Places for 2021-2022
Reception Primary Offer Day falls on the 16th April, letters will be sent to families informing you that the offer would be automatically accepted unless families emailed School Admissions to confirm they were refusing the offer. We will aim to communicate with families early on in the summer term to share our transition and induction process to Reception.
Key Dates for your Diary:
- 19th April 2021: Start of Summer term all pupils return to school
- 28th April 2021: 4C Class Assembly Ramadan
- 26th May 2021: 3C Class Assembly Jewish Shavuot
- 9th June 2021: 5C Class Assembly World Environment Day
- 14th June 2021: Assessment Week
- 21st June-2nd July 2021: Arts Fortnight
- 23rd June 2021: 2C Class Assembly World Humanist Day
- 30th June 2021: 1C Class Assembly Diversity
- 30th June 2021: Culture/Diversity Day
- 5th July 2021: Meet the New Teacher/Class Swap
- 5th July -9th July 2021: Sports Day
- 12th July 2021: Year 6 Graduation
- 13th July 2021: Reception End of Year Show
- 13th July 2021: Parents’ Evening
Finally, school will close to all pupils on Thursday 1st April at the usual end of day timings. Can I thank you all for your continued support and wish you all a safe and restful break with loved ones. We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back on Monday 19th April at the usual start times.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Dosanjh
Waverley School – Primary