
12-15 Year Olds Vaccination Programme

Public Health England have advised the school that they will be commencing a vaccination programme to combat the effects of the Covid-19 global pandemic. 

The vaccination programme is intended for all pupils between the ages of 12-15.

The NHS has produced materials for young people and parents regarding the 12-15 vaccination programme:

We have also attached a copy of the Covid-19 Risk Assessment for the Vaccination Programme 12-15 Year Olds at Waverley School. 

Students affected by the vaccination programme have received an NHS consent form which has been handed to them during our form-time programme. Students will need to return this consent form to the school in order to participate in the vaccination programme. 

Should you have any questions concerning the vaccination programme, please contact the school by e-mailing enquiry@waverley.bham.sch.uk