Parent Hub

Class Charts

Information for Parents with a child in Secondary or Sixth Form 

Dear Parents and Carers,  

 We are delighted to provide you with access to our new Class Charts platform. 

  Class Charts will give you the following:    

  • live updates on your child’s achievement and behaviour;   

  • homework updates and school notifications.  

 Not everything will appear at once on your home screen. Other modules will gradually appear on your phone over the next few weeks.  

 Please download the ‘Class Charts’ app on your phone and follow the instructions in the attached guide. The online guide is here: 

 Alternatively, go to to access it via your desktop/laptop. 

An invite code (when you login for the first time) has already been emailed to you separately. Please check your junk email if it has not appeared. A copy will also be sent to you via post. 

 Please download the app as soon as possible, so we can keep you informed about the progress of your child. 

From 31st January 2025, all communication between parents/carers and the school will be through Class Charts and Parent Mail will no longer be used. 

 If there are any issues, please email: 

Yours sincerely, 

Mr. Gallagher. 

(Assistant Principal for Quality Assurance) 

Waverley School- Secondary and Sixth Form