As pupils approach the end of Year 9, they have an opportunity to select some of the subjects that they will continue to study in their final two years at Waverley School.
Our curriculum
Key Stage 4 sees us offer students a range of subjects, from which they are encouraged to study a curriculum focussed on progression into education, employment or training.
We promote the importance of an academic curriculum, in particular the English Baccalaureate (E-Bacc) subjects.
All students are supported to achieve the very best that they can achieve and only in rare circumstances that are in the interest of the child is the curriculum narrowed.
All students at Waverley School will study English, Maths, and Science. Most students will also study a Humanities subject (History or Geography) and a Modern Foreign Language.
Pupils are divided into three groups. Pupils will be informed to which group they have been assigned:
The vast majority of our students are following the achievement stream. They will complete the E-Bacc* during their time at Waverley School.
Pupils will study:
- English
- Maths
- Science (Triple or Combined)
- Religious Education
- PE (core only)
- French, Spanish, or Urdu
Pupils will choose:
- History or Geography
- One additional subject
*What is the E-Bacc?
The E-Bacc is made up of subjects which are considered essential to many courses at higher education level. Studies have shown that pupils who study the E-Bacc have greater opportunities in further education and increases the likelihood that pupils will stay on in full-time education after they finish school age. Furthermore, pupils who study the E-Bacc are likely to improve their performance in English and Maths.
The subjects studied in the E-Bacc are: English, Maths, Science, Geography or History, and a language.
A smaller proportion of students will follow the excellence stream wherein they will complete an alternative selection of courses that are designed to support them to achieve excellent outcomes.
Pupils will study:
- English
- Maths
- Science (Combined)
- Religious Education
- PE (core only)
Pupils will choose:
- History or Geography
- Two additional subjects (which may include a language)
My child is in the ‘Excellence’ stream, can they still study the E-Bacc?
Yes! Just make sure you choose to add a language to one of the options when you complete your form.
A small number of our students will be guided on their courses in Year 10 and Year 11 that are best suited to meet their learning needs.
Pupils in the enriching stream will discuss their options with their form tutor and/or the SENDCO (Mrs Frye).
Pupils will study:
- English
- Maths
- Science (Combined)
- Religious Education
- PE (core only)
- Art & Design
- Health & Social Care
- iMedia
Key dates
- Wednesday 29th January 2025 - student assembly and parents/carers evening
- Monday 3rd February 2025 - options open
- Friday 7th March 2025 - options close
- Tuesday 6th May 2025 - options are confirmed
- Tuesday 20th May 2025 - options appeals close
Options forms
Pupils will be handed their options forms on Wednesday 29th January 2025. This form will inform you and your child as to which group they have been assigned.
Further copies of the options form are available from your child's form tutor. A spare copy of the options form can be obtained from your child's form tutor.
Options booklets
An electronic copy the options booklet is available to download below.